Cross4Health aims at promoting and supporting collaborative health innovation solutions generated by SMEs from Aerospace, Energy, and the Creative industries working together with health-related SMEs from sectors such as Biotechnology, ICT and Medical Devices.
Two Open Call were open to proposals on cross health solutions respoding to various health challenges like for example early detection and diagnoses to provide reliable, safe and accurate diagnostic measurements which benefits improve ability to detect and treat sickness at an earlier stage, remote patient support to encourage treatment adherence and consistency increasing health care efficiency for the individual patient and for the health care system, and patient management process to improve planning and patient flow for better use of proper allocation of resources.
Almost 30 projects and up to 60 SMEs have been supported as part of the two, 9-9 months long acceleration programmes of the project.
For information about the projects of the acceleration programme visit our YouTube chanel:
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731391.
This article reflects only the author’s view and that the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.