The 2nd Open call for SMEs was launched as part of the Innolabs project. The focus was on innovative projects in personalised healthcare seeking applications from SMEs belonging to the Health or Biomedicine sector. In collaboration with the IT sector the aim is to develop cross-sectoral health solutions that will bring society closer to the next generation healthcare system.
The best projects selected by external evaluators entered a 9-month Acceleration Programme and benefit from up to 50,000€ (direct funding, innovation vouchers, & innovation services).
1. Decision Support Systems – Developing innovative diagnostic tools for prevention
2. Augmented Reality for personalised care – Using bioinformatics and developing data collection/integration and analysis software supporting precision and personalised medicine.
3. Biotech for healthy ageing – Using innovative biotechnologies for proactive prevention and advanced personalized therapies, and specifically in two core areas: (i) Microbiome solutions to support healthy living an ageing. (ii) affordable solutions with cutting edge sequencing methods and analytical techniques (eg: for cancer treatment).
Health ClusterNET’s Role
These challenges were partly identified from interviews done by HCN with Innovation Cluster partners as part of its lead role for Work Package 4 Fostering cross-chain innovations and new emerging industries. HCN also functions as a Key Account Manager for 2 supported teams.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 691556.
This article reflects only the author’s view and that the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.