The Alliance for Inclusive Investment in Social Care and Support (a4i) project was launched in Brussels on the 4th and 5th February 2019. Funded by the Erasmus+ programme, under the Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, the a4i project aims to build up the capacity of social services, investors and authorities to know why, when and how to use the private investment for projects in the field of social care and support.
Social care and support providers have significant investment needs. Europe has an investment gap for social infrastructure alone estimated at €150 billion a year for the next decade. Whilst increasing public investment will be required to meet this gap, it is equally important to better understand why, when and how private investment could be used to help accelerate inclusive investment into quality community-based care and support services.
Aims of a4i
The aim of the Alliance for Inclusive Investment in Social Care and Support (a4i) project is to create a new breed of decision makers amongst service providers, investors and authorities, to have the skills and confidence to secure financing from both public and private sources.
Coordinated by the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD), the project partnership brings together representatives of higher education institutions, private investors and social services from Belgium, Spain and Czech Republic. This joint initiative is a first step towards creating concrete collaboration between the three sectors, especially at the European level.
In the long run
In the long term, increasing investment into social care and support will help improve quality of life via access to quality services for beneficiaries, including older people, persons with disabilities, children, migrants, homeless people, etc. Furthermore, knowing when and how to use private investment for social care & support providers can also help to free up limited resources for public authorities to fund where public investment is the right path.
Role of Health ClusterNet
HCN is taking the lead on Work Package 1 – State of play and Guidelines. The project draws on crossover knowledge exchange that validates the state of play and innovations within (i) financial sector approaches to social investment (ii) the changing operating environment for social care & support providers and (iii) the need to secure added value impacts for stakeholders including local communities.
HCN will review the current practice and advances beyond state-of-the-art in social investment and will develop European guidelines on quality investment principles.
For more information please contact Joanna Lane, PhD, Health ClusterNet, Managing Director.
Read more information about the project at:
This project is financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The information contained in this news item does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Commission.