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Student Innovation Boot Camps in Oslo, Berlin, and Salamanca 2018

News Item – 24 April 2018

Innovation Boot Camps are organised in autumn 2018 as part of the Innolabs project to promote Student-SME collaboration for the development of cutting edge medical solutions.

Innovation Boot Camps (IBC) will be organised  in European Universities: in May in Oslo and Berlin, and in November in Salamanca. These 2 days events will be organised for  young innovators and will provide an opportunity for students to propose solutions to challenges that are important to local SMEs. Students will be introduced to a creative thinking process that generates original ideas for health innovations.

After the boot camp the  teams that want to proceed will be supported to develop their idea over the following 2 weeks and then to prepare a pitch for their selected idea to local SMEs at an event to be hosted by one of the local organisers. The selected best teams will continue the work with SMEs and the university student competition with SME patronage (SME-UNI Competition) starts. The aim is to develop an idea into a minimum viable product i.e. a working prototype.

The IBCs look for students who can give a fresh set of eyes to ideas and/or challenges initially developed by local SMEs for digital health, biotechnology, medical devices, or a combination of these. Participating students can experience the vibrant reality of cooperating with SMEs and students across disciplines and cultural backgrounds. They will be briefed about local challenges to address and what’s already happening to generate ‘out of the box’ solutions to compete for the final prize.

Date and venue for the events:


Health ClusterNet together with SB ScienceManagement will chair and lead the Boot Camp programme. 


Read more about the IBCs and the project:



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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 691556.

This article reflects only the author’s view and that the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


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