Entrevista al Ing. Alejandro Benavides Por Ing. Tatiana Isabela Dölling (Visiting Director Latin America & The Caribbean de HCN) Basado en la entrevista realizada por Fabiola Minda (Asociada de Medios de Comunicación de HCN) al Ing. Alejandro Benavides (Miembro fundador de La Red Centroamericana de Informática en Salud-RECAINSA) En un interesante diálogo “bi-regional”, acompañado de […]
April 2021
Leveraging cross capacity building between ICT, Health, BIO and Medicine sectors for new emerging industries in personalized health INNOLABS was a three-year project funded by the European Commission through Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation. The project was granted €5 Million with the objective to deliver new products and services for healthcare building upon […]
September 2019
Aerospace and Energy SMEs work together with health-related SMEs from sectors such as Biotechnology, ICT and Medical Devices to develop health solutions. In the 2nd round of Open Calls 18 projects got the opportunity to join the 2nd Acceleration programme of Cross4Health.
11 May 2019