Created in 1998, UNIPSO is an inter-sectorial, pluralistic employers’ confederation representing employers of the social profit sector (i.e. non-profit sector).
UNIPSO is composed of 32 federations of employers’ organisations from the public and private social profit sector that represent a range of social services. These organisations are acting in the Region of Wallonia and in the French- and German-speaking communities of Belgium. As a whole, UNIPSO represents more than 12.000 social service providers providing jobs to 216.000 workers or close to 20% of employment in Wallonia. These social enterprises contribute to 11% of Wallonia GDP, i.e. 8,5 billion €.
The members of UNIPSO represent hospitals, healthcare services and facilities, childcare services, home-help and homecare services, educational and residential institutions and services (youth support services, facilities for disabled persons), sheltered workplaces, social and cultural sector, education and social action organisations.UNIPSO defends the common interests of non-profit organizations and supports employers as social service providers in order to guarantee beneficiaries the accessibility and quality of social services.UNIPSO has also developed tailored resources and services aiming to further develop and professionalize the quality of social service provision by social enterprises. Amongst these services, UNIPSO has been implementing training specifically targeting senior and executive managers of social enterprises since 2006. Training programmes include training courses, thematic training units, workshops and conferences.