Region Zealand (ZEALCO) is one of five administrative regions in Denmark. It covers a geography of about 7,300 SqKm. The region provides healthcare services to 825,000 citizens. The wide range of services are spread across 22 cities in the Region. The main responsibilities of the region are the development and running of Region Zealand’s seven hospitals, mental health services including psychiatric hospitals as well as social institutions. The region is predominantly a large rural area where one fifth of the citizens are 65 years or more. More than 80% of the elderly citizens suffer from 1-3 chronic diseases. 14 % of the elderly citizen receive home care provided by municipalities. Region Zealand is the region’s largest workplace with more than 17,000 employees and a total yearly budget of
approximately DKK 19 billion for healthcare services. Most of the employees work in the healthcare system and in the psychiatric units, or help children and adults in highly specialised social institutions.
Region Zealand cooperates closely with the 17 municipalities in the region. The so-called Health Agreement constitutes the central framework for the development of the region’s collaboration with these municipalities. The agreement ensures that cooperation across organisations works smoothly by organising coherent interventions for those patients whose pathways go across administrative boundaries.
SHCN works with Region Zealand on SMILE where RZ is involved in WP 4 as one of the four pilot sites of the SMILE project (focusing on COPD patients, in WP2, as a contributor and case for the roll out of the ECM (eHealthCare Model/Epital) model to the other three pilot sites, in WP3 for testing the technology and in WP5 for replicating the Canadian clinical trial in Denmark.