Budapest, Hungary
EuregioIII – Health investments in SFs 2000-2006: learning lessons to inform regions in the 2007-2013 period
EUREGIO III (EIII) supported the innovative approach of using European Union Structural Funds for health. The general objective of the project was to extend the results of EUREGIO to identify and share best actions for the effective use of structural funds for health and to help reduce health inequalities among EU regions. It was a key resource to help Member States, regional and local authorities and actors to develop, apply and implement Structural Funds (SF) projects for health gain.
EIII built access to practical know-how knowledge that regions had identified as a priority need for development for the 2007-2013 period. To guarantee the impact of EIII in the longer term, it informed the shaping of a cooperation mechanism to support regions in maximising health gains from mainstream SF programmes.
The underlying method and structure for EIII followed the logic of the Policy Action Cycle: Assessment, Policy Development, Assurance, and Evaluation. Related to this, EIII delivered expertise and intelligence through active dissemination. This included the development of
Overall, the intent was to make information available to regions, their health systems, local authorities and other actors who potentially apply for and implement Structural Funds. Lessons learned from the case studies and the other project actions, were used to improve the effectiveness of structural funds investment in health care and reducing health inequalities in line with relevant Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 thematic objectives.
HE2020 was co-financed by the Health Programme of the European Union.