
DIGITAL tools delivering PREvention, prediction and remote care through a resilient EU value network to reduce health system stressors in a post-COVID world


The purpose of the DIGIT-PRE project is to launch a sustainable EU value network that generates value through linked activities while supporting
companies to be competitive and sustainable. It has a specific focus on consumer-facing digital health solutions for prevention, prediction & remote care in a post-COVID world. The project draws on (a) expertise from relevant leading value chains for digital solutions (b) learning from an interregional innovation pilot (SUSTAIN). The consortium includes 4 developed, 3 transition and 3 less
developed regions.

DIGIT-PRE has 5 main objectives:

1. Build a portfolio of demand-led solutions for digitalising prevention, prediction and remote care in health and care ecosystems (Call specific obj’s 1&2)
2. Build capacity in less developed regions to take part in the DIGIT-PRE Value Network (CSO 2&5)
3. Secure additional investment to support acceleration to market or residual investment needs in shared S3 priority areas (CSO 3)
4. Accelerate innovation by providing access to large-scale demonstration living labs and test beds for solutions validation and scale-up (CSO 4)
5. Go international to boost access to global supply and value chains (CSO 2).

These objectives will be achieved through 6 work packages that re-position assets & network segments as needed. These include (i)
pooling core competencies, building a common brand & ensuring governance with integrity (ii) investment preparation with demand-led
challenges generated through open innovation spaces & a matching support services portfolio, (iii) investment selection via an Open
Call for companies with products/services at TRL6, (iv) customised support to take products/services to TRL9, (v) optimising ‘buy-in’
and sustainability at the Value Network level (aligned with other EU programmes) alongside competitive and sustainable sub-projects
with value dossiers to inform market activity (vi) a living knowledge-sharing process that adapts to changing needs and opportunities
with our target groups.

Digit-Pre was launched in October 2022, in which HCN is a consortium member.

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