Accelerating small and medium size enterprizes in health care
INNOLABS project aims to foster collaboration, transfer of knowledge and opportunities among SMEs from different countries and sectors in order to develop, improve and deliver disruptive technologies mainly related to mHealth, personalized healthcare and ageing populations. INNOLABS will select more than 100 innovative project ideas to accelerate and further support monetarily and with innovation services.
INNOLABS the 2nd European INNOLABS Digital Healthcare Hackathon in Oslo, organised by Norway Health Tech, one of the consortium partners of the project. The event brought together 9 teams (over 40 team members) to generate innovative ideas focusing on two healthcare challenges: Remote Rehabilitation and Home Care of Cancer Patients.
Over the two intense days, teams were guided through a service design methodology to help structure their thinking and unleashing their creativity. Teams also had support from business coaches challenging them and providing guidance on how to better design their solution and make it more ‘business ready’.
At the end of the two days, a Jury voted the best 4 ideas; 3 of these are now in discussion with the challenge owners to bring their idea to fruition and one team applied to the INNOLABS 1st Open Call to try and get support to make this happen.
Read more about the event and the winners:
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 691556.
This article reflects only the author’s view and that the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.