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News Item – 16 March 2018

Digital Health solutions with higher chance of success proposed and developed side by side with healthcare organisations


inDemand is a new model where Healthcare organizations and companies co-create Digital Health solutions, with the economic support of public regional funds.

Why is this model innovative?

inDemand applies at the same time demand-driven and co-creation approaches.  It is implemented in 3 pilot regions: Murcia Region (Spain), Paris Region (France) and Oulu Region (Finland).

A new co-creation model for Digital Health

inDemand solves challenges identified by the customer -the Healthcare organizations-. That’s why we talk about a demand driven model.

This approach is going to increase the capacity of health entities to systematically identify and solve their needs while creating opportunities for private companies.



Co-creation process added value

The expected results are digital solutions with higher success rate in terms of their application in practice/market uptake because they have been developed side by side with the client.

Process of work

Twenty four companies will co-develop their solutions with health care professionals and validate them into their own health care organisation.

The project is composed by 2 iterations with companies in a period of 3 years.


The inDemand Model

Using the inDemand model as a framework, each of the 3 pilot regions will follow the same process and similar schedule: i) need identification, ii) call for companies, and iii) solution development.


Health ClusterNet is invited to be on the Advisory Board of the project.


More information at the project website:




This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 763735.

This article reflects only the author’s view and that the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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