If you are an SME, Entrepreneur, Start-up or Health Care professional with an idea to provide new solutions for patient-centered health care or seeking for a new challenges and partnerships, the 1st Ideas Contest is the right scene to engage with your future potential partners and start planning your projects for 2018.
Cross4Health project in collaboration with EDIT* organizes the European Idea Contest called “EDIT4Health”. (*EDIT: Toulouse based Healthcare professionals’ Innovation Platform for promoting the collaboration among health and innovative technologies sectors)
This will be the first public Cross4Health work session for leveraging cross sectorial capacity between the Aerospace, ICT, Energy and Medicine sectors, to enable the creative project ideas emerging and encourage the development of innovative solutions targeting any application within Health areas.
The 3 best innovative ideas selected at the end of the event by a Jury composed of healthcare professionals and experts in technologies will receive the Prizes and experts advices.
Registration for the event is open from 15 January 2018.
For more information about this event and the project please visit or website
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731391.
This article reflects only the author’s view and that the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.