Alliance for Inclusive Investment in Social Care and Support
The investment gap in social infrastructure in Europe over the next decade is estimated at €150 billion a year in health, social care and support, education and affordable housing. There is an urgent need for decision-makers with the necessary skills and confidence in both public and private funding. The a4i project, funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, aimed to bridge this gap.
In 2021, the a4i project, in partnership with investors and social care providers, has resulted in a training programme based on concrete real-life pilot projects in both the academic setting and in adult education.
The Online Learning Platform in 4 languages (EN, ES, CZ, FR) offers a course (MOOC) that aims to achieve common knowledge and tools to understand each other, communicate and collaborate more easily among Social Services Providers and Private Investors. The course contributes to enhancing the mutual understanding, trust and ability to work together in securing more sustainable and diversified funding for integrated, flexible and individualised services.
Online Learning Platform in 4 languages (EN, ES, CZ, FR)
The European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) has also developed a Knowledge Centre to help social service providers to get access to better loans The website aims to provide a simple but detailed overview of InvestEU, the different programmes and opportunities and success stories. It also provides useful information for investors and public authorities looking to invest in the social services sector, including a4i resources.